because they turn on each other -iODonna

LSexuality represents a primary need for the human species, also according to what is recognized by theWorld Health Organization. We also know that physical activity allows us to feel good and to improve all our functions, both physical and intellectual.

The sexual well-being it depends on synergy between body and mindand is influenced by hormonal levels, by the neurotransmitters that are in our brain and by our thoughts which are the ones that, first, move the sexual desire.

Sports activity has a direct effect on our body, improving the skeleton, muscles and our blood vessels.

We know, for example, that male erection (but also female erection of the clitoris) depends on an influx of arterial blood which arrives and is trapped in the corpora cavernosa.

Sexual desire and metabolic syndrome

It is known that the men with metabolic syndrome (characterized by abdominal fat, diabetes, hypertension) and cardiovascular problems in general, may have much more frequently erectile dysfunction. Maintaining a adequate weightabove all by avoiding the deposition of fat in the abdominal region, allows us to improve blood sugar levels, cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood thus allowing a better functioning of the cardiovascular systemAnd. It is no coincidence that an erectile deficit that suddenly arises in a man, especially if he is over 50 years old, also deserves to be evaluated by a cardiologist precisely because it could be the first sign of a cardiovascular problem.

Because physical activity is good for sexual desire

L’physical activity it allows us to counteract fat depositionkeeping our hearts are efficient which, trained, works better. It also allows us to keep the toned muscles, reduces fat mass giving us a lean and trained physique. In this way let’s improve the image that we have of ourselves, feeling more attractive and comfortable even in being naked and being watched.

In better shape? Increase desire

This is especially true as the years go by and the age of 50 approaches in which, in both sexes, there is a slowdown in metabolism with a tendency, even for women, to deposit fat on the belly and hips. We don’t have to be perfect and each of us must approach sexuality as it is but as a person she sees herself as attractive, will have more sexual desire and will be more uninhibited in sexuality. Sports activity then improves body awareness increasing perceptions and sensations.

What happens to mood

Physical exercise also releases high levels of neurotransmitters which increase mood but also the feeling of relaxation which is essential for example for reaching orgasm.

Yoga and Pilates friends of sexual desire

Then there are some particular sports activities such as yoga or pilates which increase our ability to control some particular functions such as that of the pelvic floor: this can play an important role in sexuality, allowing us to increasing arousal and enhancing orgasm.

It’s better as a couple

And if physical activity becomes an opportunity to do something as a couple and to share an interest, even better. Sweating and working together helps to feel better and increase desire. Couples who train together have sex more often and more intensely.

Be careful not to overdo it

But be careful not to overdo it. Numerous studies show that excessive physical activity, especially if associated with the intake of steroid hormones, is counterproductive. In fact, it causes a physical and mental “exhaustion” that worsens sexuality.

Who is Dr. Raffaela Di Pace

Dr. Raffaela Di Pace is a gynecologist specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology, with a PhD in Pathophysiology of Menopause.

For this article he used the following sources:

What is the relationship between physical exercise and sexual desirability? Ashwin Kumar

The Effects of Exercise on Sexual Function in Women. Amelia M, Sexual Medicine Reviews, 2018

Physical activity and sexual function in middle aged women. Cabral L., Rev assoc med BRas 2014

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Endurance Exercise Training and Male Sexual Libido. Hackney A. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2017

