because moving is essential – iO Donna

viving healthy is the goal of everyone, men and women of all ages. To make this goal a reality, April 7 is celebrated World health daypromoted by WHO, World Health Organization. And, not surprisingly, on the initiative of theUNApril 6th is the World Sports Day. Two contiguous dates for two important and closely connected celebrations. Why there can be no health without it the right amount of physical activity.

Every movement counts

«Every movement counts for the health of the human body. L’WHO, in fact, speaks of “any movement determined by the musculoskeletal system which results in an energy expenditure higher than that of rest conditions”. AND the sedentary lifestyle to represent a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseasesi tumors and the diabetes“, points out Federica Accioaka @informaconfede,

Stop being sedentary

“Spend most of the time sitting in front of the TV or PC translates into Health problems for the individual as well as a huge expenditure of money for the National Health System. 300 minutes a week of movement they would be great preventive drug to ensure the well-being of the person, as recommended by the WHO. But the quality of the exercise makes the difference. If it is true that every movement counts, if it is “structured, slow, precise and thought out” it counts more!», the expert points out.

Sport and mental health: 15 minutes a day is enough to feel good

Not just “how much”, also “how”

“There movement quality it is important to have maximum benefits. Walk 10-15 thousand steps a day if from the quantitative point of view they increase the protection against some chronic pathologies, from the other they could result excessive and not very functional. Going home with back pain, in fact, means neglecting the importance of specific exercise muscle and skeletal strengthening. That’s why I recommend walk memo and betterby associating some resistance exercises That involve the muscles globally» continues Accio.

Muscle strengthening

«It is important to reinforce the abdominal corset For avoid back painthe thighs and buttocks to have a greater balanceas well as the upper district For safely lift loads which are often burdensome on the spine and knees, such as shopping bags, our baby backpacks and luggage. So here are two exercises to perform consistently: the wall sit on the wall and the plank», suggests the expert.

The wall sit

«It is a static exercise of muscle strengthening of the lower district of the body. You start by placing the back to the wall And bending the legstaking care to keep them at right angleswith the knee in line with the heel. You will especially feel the activation of the front of the thigh. Hold the position as long as you can, without suffering. Getting to feel unbearable pain is not only useless but actually counterproductive. Physical exercise, in fact, must be a moment of relaxation And not of stressnot even psychological», underlines Accio.

The plank

“There are some different kinds and all they activate the core, our natural abdominal corset. It can be done with outstretched armsresting on forearms, carrying alternately one knee to the chest. The important thing is to maintain a posture that allows you to activate the abdomen and buttocks and of relax your neck. Also in this case it is useless, if not counterproductive, to keep the position beyond one’s limit. The risk is to compensate by assuming one incorrect posture. In this case, the result is back pain», concludes the expert.

