Beauty trend 2022: trends according to Pinterest every year, Pinterest is the platform that first anticipates trends, forecasts, hazards (also) regarding the beauty world. In fact, the research conducted by users shows hints, ideas, trends and directions that are attracting – and will increasingly do so – the attention of the web.

Beauty trends 2022 seem to be heavily influenced by Gen Z. On the other hand, as reported by the annual Pinterest Predicts, the researches all point towards a beauty that is not only more sustainable but also more playful and fun, made up of rediscoveries and revivals, transformed into a powerful means to tell – also – one’s personal expressiveness. Here’s what’s in classical.

The 5 beauty trends 2022 that we will find in the new year

1. Make up and shiny nails among the 2022 beauty trends

The light points will storm the make-up 2022: on the wave of the release of the second season of Euphoria (for the record, January 10), the make-up made of crystals, luminescence and various luminosity is back in vogue. And on Pinterest it marks a + 110%.

Not only that, among the growing searches, there is even “pedicure with rhinestones” scored 150% more. Sequins, glitter, sequins, iridescent powders are in great demand to embellish your hands and pedicure. And so the iridescent enamels can no longer be shown off during the upcoming holidays but also immediately afterwards.

2. Rock hair: it will be the year of mullets and shaves

It may be that Gen Z has not experienced some hair trends, it may be that for a while there will be a desire to dare and have fun rather than focusing on minimalism and lightness. The fact remains that the difficult, it must be said, Mullet cut scored 190% more searches on social media. Thus confirming a sure success also for 2022.

Followed by the “shaved head motif” and the “Modican short hair”. In short, in the new year the hair will forget its sobriety and bring out its bolder side.

3. Hair, towards full volume styling

Still on the subject of hair, we go towards voluminous peaks. “Pulling up” your hair, making it fluffy and “important” will be the new dogma in terms of hairlook in 2022. Not surprisingly, the item “voluminous hairstyles” increased by 165%, highlighting how we are moving towards new hair sizes.

And alongside all the searches for increasingly wide and “high” hairstyles, such as the maxi bun on top of the head. For the stainless of minimalism, on the other hand, inspiration is sought for “natural hairstyles for short hair”.

4. The manicures of 2022? Galaxies and deserts

The most requested nail art? The galactic one, at least according to the Millennials. The item “nail art galaxy” has in fact increased by 115%; it will be the desire to dream, of new desires to express and projects to carry out, the fact is that the starry sky and the cosmos like them, so much so that they can be recreated in the space of a fingernail.

Alternatively, the warm colors of the desert.

5. The skincare of 2022? According to psycho-dermatology

In the new perspective that the beauty world is made to make us feel good about ourselves, ha psycho-dermatology is increasingly important. Or, when you are happy your skin notices it.

In fact, the system is at the base psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrine which, feeling the effects of positive events in our life, activates a series of chemical reactions that show their positive effects on the epidermis.

Making it appear more rosy and luminous and reducing the signs of fatigue. And it’s not just an epidermal issue, since hair also benefits from it. In short, at the basis of beauty there is also our happiness.



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