Beauty tips: shades with self-tanner

The beauty influencer published her wild favorite tip on her Tiktok account.

More and more people use shadows in their make-up. Karley Fiebig presents her favorite nicks on Tiktok. @thenudelip, Tiktok, iStock

Tiktok is full of tips for every need. Beauty influencer Karley Fiebig posted a rather extraordinary beauty tip on her Tiktok account.

Up to this moment, the video has already collected more than six million views.

In the video, Fiebig shows how durable Contouring can be achieved with the help of a self-tanner.

Fiebig tells the self-tanner that shading is one of his favorite tricks. He uses this tip often.

The beauty influencer’s favorite steps:

1. Take care of your evening routine in the same way as any other. Apply your face cream and let it absorb completely. Take a break of about an hour before applying the self-tanner.

2. Apply the self-tanning agent to the same places as you would apply the shades otherwise.

3. Allow the self-tanner to absorb about half an hour before you go to sleep, so that the pillowcase does not get stained.

4. Leave the self-tanner on overnight and wash your face in the morning.

If you don’t see the embed, you can view the post from here.

Fiebig says that the contouring effect of the self-tanner usually lasts for about three days.

The beauty influencer also published the final result on her Tiktok account, which she achieved with self-tanning.

If you don’t see the embed, you can view the post from here.

The end result looks surprisingly good.

However, I have to warn you that self-tanner can look a bit dirty on the face, especially if the skin is not wearing makeup. On the other hand, what makes it easier is that the self-tanner wears off the face little by little, which means that this won’t cause long-term damage either, if you’re brave enough to try this trick.
