Beauty secrets: women’s rituals from around the world

Land Japanese women use silk cloths to wrap their hair, Moroccans rely on Argan oil and clay ghassoul, traditional ingredients of beauty rituals. the Brazilians, use pomegranate leaves to decongest the eye area. Discovering these and many more women’s beauty secrets found around the world.

Beauty secrets: from Japan, silk and pearls

When it comes to beauty routine, every country has its own traditions and those of Asian women are among the most famous and acclaimed in the world.

The secret to Japanese women’s smooth and shiny hair is in fact hidden in one of the most iconic materials of the Rising Sun. Tradition has it that for take care of the hair after cleansing – performed with only warm water and essential oils – the hair is wrapped in a pure silk turban. The reason? This antistatic fabric eliminates the risk of hair breaking and tangling, acts on the hair fibers and does not excessively deprive the stem of hydration.

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Another beauty remedy also comes from Asia. Among the traditional skin care rituals is mother-of-pearl powder which, taken as a food supplement, is supposed to have detoxifying properties. It keeps the complexion young and fresh thanks to its ability to improve collagen production. To be used also mixed with creams and serums.

From Brazil, the pomegranate against dark circles

Carioca women credit their glowing skin to pomegranate: ingredient used to create a thick paste to be applied around the eyes to combat dark circles and puffiness.

(Credits: Instagram @alessandramabrosio)

Easily available in herbal medicine, it will be enough boil pomegranate leaves in hot water to extract its benefits. Once cooled, the infusion can be applied to the area around the dark circles with the help of cotton pads to keep on for a few minutes. Thanks to its decongestant action, it will therefore improve the color of dark circles and reduce the swelling of the bags.

Argan and ghassoul from Morocco

Very famous in cosmetics is Argan oil, one of the beauty remedies from Moroccan women. Its many uses, from skin care to hair, have made it one of the most famous ingredients in the beauty world, so much so that today it is the protagonist of many formulations.

But not only Argan, from Morocco. Even the green tea is used to combat cellulite and keep the skin supple while ghassoula natural clay, rebalances the sebum and is therefore an ally for cleanse the skin and scalp.

Mango and clay against imperfections

Problems with skin imperfections? Senegalese women take care of their skin by mixing mango pulp with clay to create a compound to use as a face mask.

Purifying and sebum-regulating, this traditional remedy is particularly recommended in case of oily skin. In fact, the clay acts on imperfections, while the mango, rich in vitamins C and E, counteracts the action of free radicals, stimulating the synthesis of collagen and making the skin firmer, hydrated and luminous.

Skin in summer: the ingredients to avoid before exposing yourself to the sun

Skin in summer: the ingredients to avoid before exposing yourself to the sun

Beauty secrets: from Thaiti, the sand scrub

Finally, the beauty secret of Thai women comes from the sea.

For soft and silky skin, it is traditional to combine sand with manoï oil, thus obtaining an exfoliating and perfumed mixture. Gently massaged into the skin, this natural scrub helps to effectively remove dead skin cells, while leaving a layer of hydration on the skin.

