Beautiful quotes about life: funny, thoughtful and aphorisms

dto always philosophers, scholars and writers have tried to give meaning to life and to find meaning in it. We should therefore not be surprised if there are many aphorisms and phrases on the subject. Short or long, motivational and inspirational or fun, they’re all perfect for pausing to think about or ideal for copying onto cards for special occasions.

Beautiful phrases about life, from Kafka to Fabrizio De André

Sometimes the meaning of life is hidden in a sentence said during a speech by Steve Jobsor in a song by Fabrizio De André or again in a novel by Frank Kafka:

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living by the results of other people’s thoughts. Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions drown out your inner voice. And most important of all, always have the courage to follow your heart and your intuitions. They somehow know what you really want to become. Everything else is secondary.” Steve Jobs

“Whoever led his life well/badly will bear his death”. Fabrizio De André

“The greatest of miracles is to be, simply to be. To feel it, you don’t need to be rich, educated, or famous. Simply be! The fact that you are is the ultimate mystery. Because you’re? Why do you exist? For no reason: you didn’t earn it, you didn’t even ask for it! It just happened.” Osho

“Two tasks to start life: narrow your circle more and more and constantly check if you yourself are not hiding somewhere outside your circle”. Franz Kafka

In a nutshell: beautiful and short sentences about life

Many words are not always needed to tell the meaning of life: aphorisms, profound concepts expressed in a few inspired words often explain their meaning very well. As Leonardo da Vinci who declared “He who does not value life does not deserve it”, short but effective. While for Émile Zola “It’s so good to live, and life is so sweet that it can’t be bad!” and for Caesar Pavese “Life is pain and the joy of love is an anesthetic.”

Much more reflective Emily Dickinson, who, despite having spent a good part of her life retired in her gardens, has been able to perfectly capture their essence: “Life is intense and fast. It is faced without routes but in designated waves ”. For Dario Fo instead life is “A wonderful fleeting opportunity to be caught on the fly by diving into it in cheerful freedom” while Fyodor Dostoyevsky invites us not to try to understand life too much because “Love life more than its logic, only then will you understand its meaning”; and also Henry Miller insists on the meaning of life by stating: “We must give meaning to life, precisely because it has none”.

JK Rowling, the silent gesture of solidarity: it saved the lives of one hundred Afghan lawyers

Funny quotes about life

Instead, there are characters who have tried to see the fun side of life. Like the Parisian playwright Alfred de Musset who wrote “To write the story of one’s life, one must first have lived; therefore I do not write mine”. While the writer Gesualdo Bufalino, who began his career in his 60s, said “Life didn’t fire me; he just put me on layoffs”.

Mafalda’s father, the Argentine cartoonist Not here instead he made his famous character declare “It is not clear to me whether in this life I am paying the debts of the previous one or I am paying an advance for the next one”. The Italian comedian is much more pragmatic Guido Nicheli who stated “Life is a journey. And if you travel in first gear it’s better” while the author for children Marcel Ayme with black humor he used to say “Life always comes to a bad end”.

