Beautiful pictures of the blooming heather: ‘It will be over in a minute’

The heather is in bloom everywhere in Brabant and that is even earlier than other years. Normally this is only the case at the end of August. Forest ranger Frans Kapteijns can explain it: “The heath does not care about the time, but benefits from the circumstances. It was a fine spring, with enough rain. It is now very dry and the heather has started flowering extra early.”

Kapteijns thinks that flowering is almost at its peak. “If it still rains, the flowering period can be a little longer. But if it stays that way, it will be over pretty quickly.”

On social media, many people show the beautifully flowering heather.

The heather on the Kampina in bloom.  Photo: Frans Kapteijns
The heather on the Kampina in bloom. Photo: Frans Kapteijns

Boswachter_jarno always looks forward to August:

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