Beau van Erven Dorens says sorry, celebrities accept it: ‘Class’

Beau van Erven Dorens apologizes for his unfortunate statement about anti-Semitism and that is widely accepted. “Great class Beau, I believe you unconditionally!”


The discussion about the war between Israel and Hamas is extremely sensitive. Presenter Beau van Erven Dorens also pays extensive attention to it in his talk show, but he has made a bit of a mistake. When he talked about increasing anti-Semitism earlier this week, he indicated that he found it ‘frankly understandable’.

Beau responds

Beau has come under a lot of fire. “The sickening ease with which that subordinate clause comes out of Beau,” wrote GeenStijl editor Bart Nijman. “Understanding for (increasing) hatred of Jews is no exception. It is the MAIN TALKING POINT of the news. All the media have been shouting ‘YES BUT…’ deafeningly and incessantly for a month now.”

To prevent further escalation, Beau is now making himself heard X. “Hi, this is Beau. I haven’t sent a tweet since January 2022, but I’m just checking in to explain something that happened on my show last Tuesday, when I discussed the news with historian Coks Donders about the increase in reports of anti-Semitism in schools.”


To start with, Beau quotes himself literally: “Normally there are 13 reports per month, now there are 106. There are a disturbing number of anti-Semitic statements, especially in schools. Coks, you as a historian, it is of course an incredibly gloomy number, to be honest, understandable, after that attack, don’t you think?

Coks then: “Yes, it is a kind of disgusting by-product, which of course you expect. The moment the conflict flares up there, you know that anti-Semitism will also increase.”

‘My apologies’

And then the conversation continued. “I used the words ‘understandable’ incorrectly,” Beau says now. “I meant to say that it was to be expected, because that’s just how the dynamic of hate works: action and reaction. But I shouldn’t have used those words ‘understandable’ like that.”

He concludes: “I apologize to people I have hurt with this and I hope you understand from the context that I am shocked and touched by the increase in the number of reports of anti-Semitism. Greetings, Beau.”

Great class

Celebrities accept his apology. “Sincerely! Great class Beau, I believe you unconditionally!”, writes Frits Barend. And Telegraaf journalist Wierd Duk: “Neat.”

VI star Job Knoester agrees. “Very good and neat Beau. Neat self-reflection. We should all do it from time to time.”

Journalist Bart Schut: “Benefit of the doubt, I think.”

And one-day Democrat Yesim Candan: “Nice thread from Beau. He explains how he meant it.”


The fragment in question:
