Beau van Erven Dorens gets hit on the fingers of TV psychiatrist

Beau van Erven Dorens gets a big slap on the fingers of the well-known TV psychiatrist Esther van Fenema. She finds it distasteful that the presenter is going to make TV about regret mothers.

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Beau van Erven Dorens thinks it would be a good idea to make a program about mothers who are incredibly sorry that they have had a child or children. He received unprecedented criticism for this last week and the well-known TV psychiatrist Esther van Fenema is anything but enthusiastic.

Tap fingers

Esther tweets that she wonders if Beau is on the right track with this. She gives the RTL 4-star a big slap on the fingers. “I am very much in favor of ‘making things up for discussion’, but this honestly seems too confrontational for children…”

Geert Jager, former social worker in youth care, agrees. “Wrong format. It is damaging, also for the parents who cooperate in this, but above all for the children. The knowledge of not being wanted lasts a lifetime, affects self confidence, relationships. Everything for the ratings, but there are limits, no matter how ‘integer’ you put it.”

“What the hell!”

Anthropologist Danielle Braun thinks Beau is completely missing the point. “What the hell!!!!”

Hans Laroes, the former editor-in-chief of the NOS Journaal, sympathizes with the candidates who will be used by Beau. “Next year: Beau van Erven Dorens is looking for people who regret making a program with Beau van Erven Dorens.”

panting Beau

One Tjeerd is also critical. “In the panting market of (fake) originality, it is immaterial what damage is caused. The exploitation of misery by the media is apparently the way out of a crisis.”

Esther: “Then do it privately and not on TV. What does that do to children’s self-esteem? What message do you give? Disgusting.”

And Laurens: “There is nothing honest about this at all. Everything for the ratings. Serves no interest.”

Jerry Springer

Incidentally, it seems that Beau copied this TV idea from another TV producer. “If there were a creativity prize, I don’t think it would go to Beau van Erven Dorens, because he seems to want to make a copy of a series of the VPRO, doesn’t it? Of those regretful mothers,” says Telegraaf journalist Jordi Versteegden.

And Privé boss Evert Sankrediets: “Yes, this is a painful case. It’s a tricky subject anyway. You notice that in all the reactions to it. It has a high Jerry Springer content: people who are going to tell on TV that they would rather not have had their own children. Whether that should be on TV… I started to doubt it more now that I read all the comments.”

“I think it would be very bad for a child to hear your mother say on TV that she would rather not have had you.”
