Beau van Erven Dorens comes with Help I Regret My Child

Beau van Erven Dorens is coming with a TV production about mothers who deeply regret giving birth to their child or children. “A very intense subject,” said the presenter.

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A lot of help television has already been made in our country, but Beau van Erven Dorens is now taking this all to the next level. He is going to film women who are very disappointed that they have had a child. The title of the production has not yet been announced, but Help Ik Have Regret Van Mijn Kind might just cover the load.

Sorry about your child

Beau is currently looking for candidates. “Motherhood is a beautiful thing. But not for every mother. According to Israeli sociologist Orna Donath, quite a few women regret having a child. This is not discussed.”

Beau now wants to make a program about that. “For a documentary on this subject, the production company KJP (Beau’s Bald Jackal Productions, ed.) is looking for mothers who regret having a child. A very intense subject, but I think it’s good to talk about and share the experiences.”

Sorry mothers

Possibly the title of the program will be Regrets Mothers, because Beau has placed a hashtag with that name. In any case, opinions are divided. “Why bring something like this up for discussion? To make TV I guess. Over the backs of the children”, Simone responds.

Ingrid: “I think this is a very bad idea. Mothers (and fathers??) telling national television that they regret their children?? Does anyone wonder what kind of trauma this could be for their children????”

‘Very good’

Esther is actually enthusiastic. “It’s great that this topic is being discussed! That will help many. Fortunately, I don’t experience it that way myself, but I can imagine that fathers/mothers experience this.”

Anna: “Hope for good support and care for the children whose parents will participate in this documentary. Breaking taboos is fine, but what are you doing to these ‘regret children’ by talking about it so openly on TV?”

Fioon says she is happy with her decision not to have children. “Choosed deliberately, because of my allergies.”


Beau’s post and the responses to it:
