Beau gets stuck under water from Wilfred: ‘Very strange’

Beau van Erven Dorens keeps getting stuck under water from his direct competitor Wilfred Genee. The VI star finds the behavior of the RTL host strange. “Really, really crazy.”

© SBS 6

Eight years ago, Beau van Erven Dorens and Wilfred Genee clashed during a radio interview. Because of his many TV flops, Beau was then accused of being the man of ‘twelve trades and thirteen accidents’, which was completely wrong. Yet a year later he also decided to give a TV interview to Wilfred.

It’s Beau’s turn

Wilfred was then on the air for one series with a very spicy talk show, called Wat Gaat Er Nu Door Je Heen. The episodes were all taken offline, but it was really bad. One celebrity after another was keelhauled by the VI star, including Beau. And then he was really done with Wilfred: “He’s out of my address book!”

The argument between the two men was briefly stirred up at the beginning of this year and it appears that there is still some friction between the two men. Beau is regularly teased in Today Inside and yesterday it was his turn again.

Argument with Evert

Wilfred points out that Beau has apologized to Evert Santegoeds. Cynical to Özcan Akyol: “You sometimes sit with Beau, but does he remember that you have sat there before or has he forgotten that you came by? He had given an interview to the Privé, but he couldn’t remember it!”

Özcan: “Yes, I thought that was a disappointment actually.”

Wilfred: “A bit strange, right?”

Özcan: “Well, if you have to say sorry to that guy from Privé then you’ve really fallen, haven’t you?”

Pilot with Beau

Then Wilfred brings up that tough interview with Beau. “I once did a program with him: What’s Going Through You Now. I recorded the pilot with him and he liked it so much, he said: ‘I also want to be in the main program’, so he joined me in the main program.”

And then? “Then suddenly he said on the radio: ‘If I had known this, I would never have come’, even though he had been in the pilot!”

Other ten

Johan Derksen pointing to the other guests who were slaughtered by Wilfred in that program: “That’s what the other ten said too, by the way.”

Wilfred: “But they wouldn’t have been in the pilot!”

Özcan: “That program is now untraceable. It has been deleted from the internet.”

Johan: “You treated them all very badly, but so much so that they said: ‘Yes, but we don’t do that anymore.’”


Wilfred continues to think Beau is strange. “It’s really strange that someone does a pilot, is very enthusiastic about it and then does the main program and also sends an email saying: ‘Toedeloe, it was great fun’, and then suddenly says: ‘Yes, but I knew that. I don’t think the program would go that way, otherwise I wouldn’t have done it.’”

“Isn’t that about anything?! Anyway, whatever.”
