Beatrice Borromeo brings the story of Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy to Netflix

Noetflix has just announced the arrival of a television series that will surely cause discussion, thanks also to the presence of Beatrice Borromeo: Prince. Next 4th of July in fact, the docu-series that traces the events of the last heir to the throne of Italy will be available in all countries where the service is active, Victor Emmanuel of Savoy.

Beatrice Borromeo: elegant and deeply in love: look at Pierre Casiraghi

At the center of the story is the accusation of murder of the young Dirk Geerd Hamer

The story of the docu-series – produced by MDE Films – kicks off on August 18, 1978. On that night, on the island of Cavallo, in Corsica, there was a shooting following the theft of Vittorio Emanuele’s dinghy by a group of Italians on holiday in Sardinia. And on that occasion the last heir to the throne of Italy fired two shots from a carbine.

From there, the charge for the murder of Dirk Geerd Hamer – son of Ryke Geerd Hamer – shot to death by one of those bullets. Following this accusation, Vittorio Emanuele was arrested. However, there was no proof of this fact: the defense claimed the presence of other people who would have fired during the scuffle. In November 1991 he was acquitted by the Parisian Chamber of Accusations of intentional homicide and sentenced to 6 months with the probation for unauthorized carrying of a firearm.

Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy with Marina Doria and Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, in an archive photo. Credit: Netflix Press Office

The series signed by Beatrice Borromeo Casiraghi

If it is true that the entire judicial affair concerning the murder of Dirk Hamer was evidently central to the life of Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy, the series Prince takes its cue from this tragic fact for a wider story. A story that touches his tormented relationship with his parents, his love story with Marina Doria and the years of work in Iran.

The docu-series was shot and developed by Beatrice Borromeo Casiraghi. And in its three episodes it will contain exclusive interviews with Prince Vittorio Emanuele, members of the Savoy family and the Hamer family. There will be, among them, the testimonies of Emanuele FilibertoMarina di Savoia and Birgit Hamer.

Prince: in three episodes the story of Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy between scandals and loves

The first episode, in particular, will kick off from referendum of 1946 when Italy, choosing to be a Republic, effectively forced the young prince into exile. His new home in Corsica, a few kilometers from Italy forbidden to him, became his new place from which to reflect on his future.

The second, however, will be all about the aforementioned death of Dirk Hamer and the consequences that came for Vittorio Emanuele and his family.

The final episode of the Netflix series, however, will talk about the process. But also the return to Italy of the royal family after half a century of exile. The new scandal that will bring Vittorio Emanuele back to prison will then be explored. But also the role that, in recent years, the new generations of the Savoys have had.

