Bearing beam watchtower Messines breaks during visit

Bearing beam watchtower Messines breaks during visit

Since April, the church in Messines, 39 meters high, has had a lookout point from which you have a view of the beautiful landscape in all directions. Visitors must climb 214 steps to reach the viewpoint. During that tour you will come across the platform at the carillon at a height of six meters and that is where things went wrong on Saturday.

Thirteen visitors from Deerlijk stepped up to enjoy the unique view. When they were on the platform of the carillon, one of the girders gave way. The beam did not sink further so that a collapse did not occur. The visitors were shocked, but unharmed.

The fire brigade arrived on the scene, but they couldn’t do much. The city will contact the city on Monday to have the damage repaired and to check the stability. Until then, the watchtower will remain closed.
