Beach bars open earlier than other years

Beach bars open earlier than other years

Today, with a mild 19 degrees and full sun, it was immediately the time to open the first beach terraces and enjoy a spring aperitif with your toes in the sand.

Beach bar Famouz Knokke-Zoute was already open today. Christoph Trio: “Now it is suddenly high summer. So it was rushing. People are eager to come to the beach. We are still building up, but the people are coming. It’s quite stressful.”

Even paddling

Here and there you even see a hesitant foot bath, but people mainly long to sit outside in the sun, preferably on the beach. Linda van Maele and Pascal Scherpereel: ”Certainly, it was a much too long winter. The summer sun and the beach in Knokke is great. And this year it’s super early. So doubly enjoy this moment.”

For the hospitality industry it is a relief to breathe. After two corona years, it will be making up for damage. “It has certainly not been easy the last two years. Certainly not. We can only open for 6 months, and if that is reduced to 4 months, it will be very hard and very heavy.”
