BBL relegation candidates Heidelberg and Oldenburg score, Basketball Bundesliga – Newsticker

The teams from the table cellar of the basketball
Bundesliga collected important points on the day of the catch-up game. MLP Academy Heidelberg won 82:70 (36:28) against playoff candidate BG Göttingen.

The Göttinger found themselves extremely difficult over large parts of the game. Especially on the offensive, the ball missed the target far too often. The Heidelbergers took advantage of this, hitting their two-point shots better and sometimes even being 22 points ahead.

In the second game of the evening, EWE Baskets Oldenburg also celebrated an important victory in the relegation battle. They won 74:71 (39:33) at medi Bayreuth. After a weak start, they turned up the heat in the second quarter and initially pulled away. The hosts were able to equalize again, but the Lower Saxony team had better nerves in the final quarter and celebrated their fourth win in a row.

Source: dpa
