BBL: After a collision: Bonn’s basketball player Kessens was suspended for three games

Status: 06/13/2023 12:57 p.m

The Telekom Baskets Bonn have to accept a personnel setback in the final series of the basketball league.

Center Michael Kessens will be suspended for three competitive games after a hit with both hands, as the BBL announced after a decision by the independent game director Dirk Horstmann. It is about “the minimum period” for an assault. The 32-year-old also has to pay a fine after his misconduct in the second game on Sunday.

Kessens threatens to miss Bonners in the third and fourth finals at Ratiopharm Ulm on Wednesday (8.30 p.m.) and Friday (8.30 p.m.). He would also miss a fifth final in his own hall on Sunday (3:00 p.m.). Kessens admitted to reacting “emotionally and inappropriately” after being held for several seconds. “The game management was not able to identify a justification for the behavior of the player Kessens,” said the BBL.

The player can appeal the decision within three days. If an appeal is filed, the ban will not be suspended during this period. In the series in best-of-five mode, the score is 1-1 after two games. Neither team has yet conquered a Bundesliga championship title.
