BBB wants to postpone Drenthe’s Rural Area Program and is bothering its own representative

There was a wonderful debate today in the Provincial Council. The BoerCurgerBeweging (BBB) ​​wants to put the planning for the Drenthe Rural Area Program (DPLG) on hold for a while, but this really bothered their own BBB representative.

According to BBB States member Willem Vossebeld, there is so much uncertainty that it is not even possible to determine the principles of the DPLG. There is uncertainty about the rules from the government and the money from the government to implement the DPLG is largely not available yet.

The BBB is not convinced that if Drenthe only takes so-called no-regret measures, they will actually be measures that you will not regret. And finally, Vossenbeld and the entire BBB faction hope for another cabinet that will cut back on plans for agriculture, nitrogen and nature restoration.

Opposition parties accused the BBB faction of offering nature restoration and prospects for agriculture for years to come. They wanted to know from both the BBB faction and deputy Jisse Otter of agriculture and nitrogen what the current situation is: is the BBB losing its own deputy, who has to bend over backwards to make plans with the little that is already clear? ?

Group chairman Gerben Brandsema (Christian Union): “This was a BBB election theme, you must now have a vision, right? How much confidence does BBB have in its own directors and the GS board, which is trying to do its work in this very complex field of forces? ?”

The BBB also wrote in an amendment that they were never able to talk to the Provincial Council about the DPLG, because it was all started before the elections. The latter is correct, the former is categorically not. And that was rubbed off on the BBB faction.

According to FvD faction leader Liesbeth Niessink, the BBB should have better arranged agreements about the DPLG in the coalition agreement that they concluded.

PvdD faction leader Renate Zuiker: “The frameworks for the DPLG were discussed in the Provincial Council committee, why did you not make any changes then?” CU faction leader Brandsema agreed: “Why no BBB amendments now to tighten the proposals? Why don’t you come up with the frameworks that will improve the DPLG proposal yourself?”

PvdA member and coalition partner Rudolf Bosch went one step further: “We did discuss this piece at the previous meeting. The farmers have been waiting for five years. We should not have the government and the province holding each other hostage.”

“And how do you think you will get money if you do not hand in any plans?” D66 faction leader Any Kleine Deters wondered.

PvdD faction leader Zuiker knows: “The DPLG is not to the detriment of farmers. Without the DPLG, fewer and fewer farmers will come due to economies of scale. In the past twenty years, half of the farmers have already disappeared. The DPLG can contribute to this. to help.”

CDA member Sonja Hilgenga-Van Dam was also resolute: “Stopping the DPLG? By doing so we are sidelining farmers. We want to give farmers direct influence in the further development of the plans, not hand over the wheel!”

She also sees that things are going wrong with the pillar of the Drenthe economy: tourism. “If we don’t do anything to restore nature, then only the strawberry will grow in our nature and then tourists will stay away.”

BBB Representative Jisse Otter (agriculture and nitrogen) called it a complicated discussion in which the government provides very detailed instructions. “There is still a terribly long way to go and the road is paved with uncertainties.” According to him, Drenthe mainly struggles “with the yardstick against which we have to measure everything.”

Otter promised that he will continue to involve Members of Parliament in developing the principles for the plans for agriculture, nature, water, climate and nitrogen. “If we encounter issues during the development, we want to talk about them.” He said that stopping the plans that require money from the central government was not an option.

None of the coalition parties appeared to support the BBB amendment. Only the opposition party PVV was in favour. The meeting was then suspended because ‘the BBB faction should talk to its own representative’. Halfway through the debate, the BBB faction eventually withdrew the amendment.

BBB faction chairman Gert-Jan Schuinder responded afterwards: “We did not want to put the DPLG on hold, as other parties see it. But we want to ensure that it goes back to the PS committee, so that we can discuss the content and principles. The DPLG has been discussed regularly, but we as BBB have not been able to discuss or decide on the principles.”

BBB representative Jisse Otter says that he did not experience his own faction bothering him. “We talked about it in advance. I understood their point, because they are afraid that they will no longer have any influence. But the DPLG will come up very often.”

“Everyone is very excited about this, but it The National Rural Area Program (NPLG) is not even there yet and that is the most important part. So we don’t have a house yet, but the government has already required us to indicate where the sockets should be located,” says Otter.

Maybe it was an attempt by the BBB faction to give something to the angry farmers today? After all, protesting farmers had come to the provincial hall again and all politicians had to walk past buckets of liquid manure before entering, after which farmers took a seat in the public gallery of the State Assembly.

But farmer leader Jan Uineken of the Drentse Trekkergroep says that this does not help them. Not even if the BBB faction had pushed through its will. “The only thing that might have happened was that no mistakes would be made. It’s now a bit of a case of ‘we’re going to get to work, because we have to do something, but we don’t actually know exactly how,'” he said .

A round of political questions after the State Assembly showed that the cause was probably not due to the BBB faction possibly wanting to please the farmers or to deliberate intent, but to the lack of too few political flying hours in a very large, new faction. Why else would you bother your own deputy so much?
