BBB voters disagree with the party’s positions on only a few points

Voters for the BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB) ​​during the provincial elections largely agree with the party’s views. This is evident from an analysis of the statements of Kieskompas, after it has been filled in 20,000 times.

Most voters will have voted for the BBB because of their views on nitrogen and the wolf. But if you wanted to ensure that less money goes to art and culture via BBB or no provincial money goes to a new FC Emmen stadium, you will be disappointed.

Most people who filled in Kieskompas do not want extra money for art and culture, while the party has no problem with that. On the statement ‘The province should spend more money on art and culture’, the party says that it agrees with the statement and the voters say that they do not agree.

The reverse is the case with the statement that there should be more space for cyclists, even if this affects cars. The party does not agree, but the voters do. The same happens with the statement ‘More homes should be built, even if green countryside disappears’.

The main difference is in two statements. ‘To protect Dwingelderveld National Park, recreation may be limited there’, is a statement that the party strongly disagrees with, but the voters have opted for ‘agree’. Conversely, this result also applies to the statement ‘The province must prevent the arrival of large distribution centers, even if jobs are lost as a result’. The party fully agrees with that statement, but the voters disagree with that statement.

The differences are not so great for the other 26 statements. Here and there there is a difference in ‘totally disagree’ or ‘disagree’, or a difference between ‘totally agree’ or ‘agree’.
