BBB: ‘it has to be done together, but it has to be different’

These are all the new members of parliament:

Gert-Jan Schuinder, Agnes Jongman, Willem Vossebeld, Björn Schutte, Lijanne Mestemaker, Suzanne Maris-Brouwer, Martin Jansen, Wende Bolhuis-van Unen, Hendrik Smeenge, Jan Brouwer, Peter Edelman, Gert Veltrop, Michelle Veltrop-de Wilde, Stijn van den Berg, Koos van der Zee, Ina Koning, Jannes Kerssies

Yvonne Turenhout and Jan Puper

* Thomas Blinde had been in the States for JA21 for years, so it’s not really new. At the time, Ja21 was a spin-off of the Forum for Democracy. Because JA21 participated in the elections for the first time, Blinde is now counted as new by the province, but has therefore been a Member of Parliament and parliamentary group chairman of JA21 for four years.
