BBB director of the Vechtstromen water board leaves after a vote of no confidence

BBB director Rolf Woolderink of the Vechtstromen water board must resign. A majority of the general board voted in favor of a motion of no confidence against the discredited Woolderink.

During the meeting, a number of parties called on Woolderink to keep the honor to himself, but he did not want to do that. When asked by Water Count Stefan Kuks after the motion was passed whether he would accept his resignation, Woolderink replied that he had no other choice. BBB is the largest party in the water board with nine seats. The same number voted against the no-confidence motion on Wednesday.

Woolderink has become discredited because he ignored court rulings about violations on his property in Azelo, Twente, while the water board’s integrity code states that administrators must comply with the law. For example, a ditch has been filled in, earthen walls have been constructed and rubble granulate has been used for site paving and the construction of ponds, reports RTV East.

Woolderink’s tasks are temporarily fulfilled by Wilbert Siebring, who sits on the executive board on behalf of Onbouwd, the representation of farmers. Woolderink can remain on the general board as an elected member. A motion of no confidence was also submitted against another BBB director, but it did not pass. That was against Gezinus Wolters.

The Vechtstromen water board is responsible for water management in South-East Drenthe, North-East Overijssel and Twente.
