BBB believes that the Drukkerijmuseum in Meppel should receive a subsidy from the province

Will the province save the Printing Museum in Meppel? If it is up to the largest party in the Provincial Council, yes. “Because of the importance of the museum for the museological landscape of Drenthe, the museum should be eligible for a provincial subsidy,” says Gert Veltrop on behalf of the BBB.

The museum will close its doors on June 1. The municipality of Meppel gives a subsidy of 26,000 euros per year to the museum. That has been the same amount for fifteen years, but is no longer sufficient, says the board. The costs have increased in the meantime. The museum therefore asks for 70,000 euros per year. The municipality has indicated that it will not increase the subsidy.

There is little time to save the museum. The BBB also realizes this. Perhaps it is the last attempt to preserve the museum, Veltrop realises. BBB therefore wants the province to respond before the May 17 meeting. “If we do nothing, it will be a fait accompli anyway,” responds Member of Parliament Gert Veltrop. The party wants to prevent closure in the short term and to find a solution for the long term.

“It’s not like we’re saying, ‘Here’s a bag of money and you can get by with it’.” But the party is not yet sure what is needed to prevent the closure in the short term. In any case, it must be done in good consultation, explains Veltrop.

Besides the fact that the museum may have been saved with a subsidy from the province, he also sees other advantages. “That makes it easier to get donations from other organizations as well.” Stijn van Ittersum, chairman of the museum, has already emphasized this before. When the board turns to cultural organizations for support, for example, one of the first questions it gets is what the governments are doing. In addition, the BBB believes that the province, the municipality and the museum board should sit down together. “The museum has good plans, but could come up with even better plans with some help.”

On behalf of his party, Veltrop points out the importance of the Drukkerijmuseum. There are two such museums nationwide. The Dutch Printing Museum is located in Etten-Leur. “And so here in Drenthe one. Drukkerij and Meppel can be summed up in one word. It is of cultural-historical importance. It would be a shame if it were to disappear. It is of wider importance to society. This year, 400 children have already visited because of the Van Gogh year. The museum has many side roads. Think of the catering industry.”

Two formateurs recently set to work to reach a college and coalition agreement in Drenthe. The advice is to make a board of BBB, PvdA, VVD and CDA. Veltrop cannot say whether the Drukkerijmuseum will be discussed during the negotiations.
