BB winner Kristian Heiskari lived in a trailer for a year – Reveals now why he left life on the road

Kristian Heiskari moved to a mobile home a year ago. Now he tells why he returned to the apartment building life.

Kristian Heiskari photographed in 2021. Pete Anikari

Reality TV star Kristian Heiskari, 31, announced in May 2022 that he would sell all his personal belongings, quit his apartment and move into a mobile home. Life on tires lasted a good year, until at the end of summer 2023, he decided to give up the caravan life.

Heiskari tells Iltalehti that the decision was particularly influenced by the fact that the coming fall and winter should be for work in Finland. Due to the weather conditions in Finland, the costs of the caravan would be high.

– I talked with my current roommate about heating costs and other things, and living in an apartment building will actually be a little cheaper than living in a ten-square-meter gas-heated booth like that, Heiskari states.

One significant reason for the move was Heiskar’s acquired SpongeBob dog, with whom living in the trailer was challenging, especially in bad weather.

– With a dog, when you come from rainy weather and think about where you can dry it, it’s a bit difficult in such a small space.

Paavo has been living together with Heiskar since the end of 2022. Kristian Heiskar’s home album

Although Heiskari’s home no longer runs on wheels, the man is still on the road for a large part of his everyday life. He spends every second week in Turku working for a company focused on digital marketing and the rest of the time in Helsinki living with a roommate.

– In Turku, I stay in an apartment hotel and in Stad as a roommate with a friend. The nice thing about it is that the living expenses are small and you still have a friend to live with. The guy is the kind of guy with whom we will definitely discuss some work stuff in the future.

A lifestyle change

At the beginning of 2023, Heiskari felt tired. He had traveled with his friends by road to Spain and his body felt stiff.

– In those days, it felt like you couldn’t go up the stairs without breaking into a sweat. Not everyone may consider the body mass index to be modern, but if it starts to show significant excess weight, I decided to do something about it.

Heiskari decided to stop wallowing in a bad mood and decided to grab himself by the neck. He started jogging and exercising, which culminated in a marathon in the summer.

– Some people say that I would have made a lifestyle change, but I’m still the same idiot, Heiskari laughs.

Heiskari has now shaved his head bald. Kristian Heiskar’s home album

At the same time, the man changed his haircut and shaved his head bald. However, the reason can be found in more than just the image.

– It’s a bit like when you get old, you can lose your hair too, Heiskari teases.

Although Heiskari says that he has retired from reality TV shows, he has recently begun to be tickled by the idea of ​​entering an interesting format. He has no interest in getting himself on TV by force, but in front of a hefty reward, he says he will go almost anywhere.

– Let’s put it this way, I’ll go to Tempparei if 30,000 is hit on the counter and the taxes are on, Heiskari jokes.

Kristian Heiskari told in 2021 why he managed to win no less than two reality TV shows.
