B&B Full of love: Astrid is furious, has Harmjan smashed his own windows here? | TV

At the beginning of week four we saw the flamboyant Sylvia leave Hans’s Italian B&B. And even though he didn’t seem to have a match with Sylvia, he’s in a minor key. It’s not fun to see three women drag their suitcases over the gravel of your B&B in a short time to the taxi to the airport. Fortunately, there is hope on the horizon for him when Natasha makes her entrance. You see Hans brighten up. Natasja is a woman who immediately rolls up her sleeves, to the delight of his ex-wife Libera. And even about that strange house situation, Natasha initially seems understanding. “I see that the ex is still involved, I don’t see that as a problem myself, I just like getting to know people.” What a lucky bastard, that Hans.


In Ted’s B&B in Madeira we have to deal with ‘conditions, conditions’, as she tells it to best friend Rita. Ab didn’t inflame her in love, and the parting wasn’t particularly warm either, and she doesn’t like that. But that’s where Tjerk comes in. They pour “a glass” and we see them taking an adventurous trip in the car. Tjerk seems to fit in seamlessly with Ted’s lifestyle. Even in the supermarket field, they are a match. “What else did you like so much?” Ted asks him. “A cauliflower for dipping?” Nice, these two!

Bat in the henhouse

But not everywhere is pleasant. At Hans in France, the arrival of 44-year-old Daisy – a lot younger than Hans – causes a lot of tension. Petra, who has been there for a while, frowns when Hans suddenly starts to dress up and get some fresh air. “Yesterday he had a dirty pair of pants on,” she notes. Ouch. “He behaves completely differently, this is not the Hans I have seen or want to see.”

Daisy herself is also in her annoyance zone of Petra: “Everything is fun and everything is hihihi”, she sneers amusingly. Meanwhile, Hans does not give Petra a glance when she goes shopping. Hans, who walks past her, only has eyes for Daisy, whom he wants to lift onto his horse. “What nice rubber boots you have,” he compliments her. If things continue like this, there’s a good chance Petra will pack her things soon, and that’s understandable.

Hans also feels the ‘tension’, but suffers less from it: “I still get the feeling that Petra sees her as a threat”, Hans says into the camera, while he struggles to suppress a smile.


Simone and Martijn Jiu jitsu’en meanwhile. They both think it’s nice and physical, and Simone likes to see “his male side for once”, she emphasizes. Again ouch. Meanwhile competitor Marian is making the beds with Martijn’s mother. ‘Luckily’, a little later they are discussing the date between Martijn and Simone with the whole group – including Martijn’s parents again. The video of the rolling in the gym is going around the table. Everyone once again provides the images with comments about Martijn’s instructions for use and how you can make it blossom, as if it were about a child and not about an adult man.

Martijn, meanwhile, is beaming when he later goes on a date with both his wives. While Martijn gets the drinks, the two discuss his gentleman’s skills: letting go, arranging drinks… it is well received by the duo. But in the end they can’t enjoy it for very long: a new woman is at the door, Suzanne…

Jokes and compliments

At the handsome Denise we see Ben coming to tear. Ben is a fast boy with a speedboat. Dave and Denise are now quite attuned to each other, he soon notices. They share their mutual jokes. “Once the ice is broken, my jokes will come too,” he says combatively. You go Ben.

In Madeira, Tjerk seems to have fallen in love with best friend Rita as well. His charms are not wrong with this duo: “What do you smell nice, do you want a glass?”, he asks Rita. Having a nice drink with the three of you, Tjerk fits right in.

Meanwhile, the rivalry between Daisy and Petra continues. To Daisy’s disappointment, Petra sits on the lawnmower, a place she aspired to. Daisy has meanwhile criticized Hans: “Not much comes out”, she notes. “You really have to pull it out.”

“Do you like that I’m here?” she asks a moment later. The answer is yes, but handing out some additional compliments to give her a bit of a good feeling, turns out not to be the easiest for stiff Hans. Not even when she asks. “Didn’t I just say that?” he replies, slightly irritated. Not a romantic, this man.

Astrid is seething

As icing on the cake, it actually crackles in Astrid’s B&B in Austria. Her new love candidate Ruud is quickly discouraged by Harmjan, who claims to have kissed Astrid. Astrid finds out and she is seething. A passionate kiss was not in the least according to her. And because of that, Ruud seemed to conclude that he is too late to win her heart. When she goes to get a story, Harmjan quickly backs down with apologies. The question is whether their fledgling band will survive this drama.

Meanwhile, Natasja finds out that the situation with Libera is not ideal, and she confronts Hans about it. She feels like the third wheel, she emphasizes. Hans does not even realize that his wine is being poured all day long by his ex-wife. A shame, because this Natasha seems to suit him best. Hopefully he can turn the tide before he also sees his fourth wife leave.

The new episode of the Culture and Media podcast also discusses extensively about the summer series and in particular the bluntness of the participants:
