Bayern Munich | Uli Hoeneß draws consequences after “Kane interview”

With his statements about Harry Kane, Uli Hoeneß has given FC Bayern some unpleasant headlines in recent days. The honorary president of the record champions allegedly has no understanding for this – and also wants to draw consequences.

You don’t usually talk about players from other clubs. Especially not if you still have an ongoing contract. With his statements about Harry Kane, Uli Hoeneß recently broke this unwritten law.

It was foreseeable that his statements would cause excitement and headlines. The extent of the discussion apparently not only caught the 71-year-old off guard, but also made him quite angry.

As “ran” reports, Hoeneß is “very angry” about what some media made of his statements. He was also “completely surprised” at how his statements were perceived by the public. The fact that he expressly praised Tottenham CEO Daniel Levy, Hoeneß was “missed” in the reporting.

Uli Hoeneß imposed an interview ban

According to “ran”, Hoeneß sees no potential for conflict in his statement. The 71-year-old classifies his own words as “completely harmless”, it is said.

According to the report, Hoeneß is now said to have pushed for consequences that not only many fans, but also a large part of the media interpret this differently. Accordingly, he will no longer give interviews to “some media” for the time being.

Hoeneß did Bayern Munich no favours

Hoeneß’s statements about Harry Kane have caused shaking of heads not only in Germany but also on the island – especially with Tottenham boss Daniel Levy. This was reported by the “image”. The Spurs club boss was therefore “very surprised” at the words from Munich.

In this country, numerous experts were also amazed at the statement made by Munich’s Honorary President. On the matter, they were all more or less in agreement that Hoeneß did FC Bayern no great favor with his statements about the player of choice for his own club.
