Bayern Munich | Salary secondary? That’s why Rüdiger’s move to Munich fails

So far, it has always been said that the change from national player Antonio Rüdiger from Chelsea to FC Bayern would fail because of the money. However, “Sport Bild” now claims that the defender’s salary requirements only play a minor role in the record champion’s considerations.

Although FC Bayern is desperately looking for a new central defender and Antonio Rüdiger, a top-class candidate, is available on a free transfer in the summer, the national player should not play a role in the record champions’ plans.

Contrary to previous reports, it should not only be the salary demands of the Chelsea professionals that deter Munich. According to “Sport Bild” there is a completely different problem: Rüdiger’s age.

At the age of 29, he does not fit into the new concept that Oliver Kahn and Co. have imposed on themselves, the newspaper reports. This concept envisages hiring players who not only help FC Bayern sportingly, but also increase their market value so that they can later be resold at a profit. The FCB bosses apparently do not see this scenario in the case of Rüdiger.

Although there are said to have been talks with the international, Munich’s verdict on Rüdiger was clear afterwards, according to “Sport Bild”: The central defender is simply too old.

Does FC Bayern hit Ginter?

Those responsible in Munich therefore also consider the Dane Andreas Christensen, who is only 25 years old, to be significantly more suitable. But although he fits the new concept, the former Gladbacher will probably not open on the Isar. Allegedly, Christensen has long since agreed with FC Barcelona.

The remaining candidates also include Gladbach’s Matthias Ginter. Like Rüdiger, he is available for free in the summer. However, Ginter is already 28. However, the comparatively low salary speaks for him. He is said to be asking “only” eight million euros a year – and thus only half of the sum that Rüdiger called.
