Bayern Munich | Lothar Matthäus warns: Then it will be “very critical” for Julian Nagelsman

The young football year 2023 now counts three games for FC Bayern, surprisingly the Munich team has not yet recorded a win. An uncomfortable situation, especially for coach Julian Nagelsmann. DFB legend Lothar Matthäus sees it that way too.

After the points shared against RB Leipzig (1: 1), 1. FC Köln (1: 1) and most recently Eintracht Frankfurt (1: 1), Nagelsmann must now “very quickly” return to the road to success with FC Bayern, emphasizes Matthäus im Football talk “Sky90”.

In concrete terms, the coach had to “deliver results with FC Bayern” on Wednesday in the DFB Cup duel with 1. FSV Mainz 05 (8:45 p.m.). The Munich team simply “have an obligation to reach the next round, otherwise it will be very critical for Nagelsmann,” judges Matthäus.

After all, the coach was discussed “a month or two” ago, now the whole thing is starting all over again – also because the “performance is no longer there,” continues the German record national player.

Matthäus is currently missing that in the FC Bayern game

This also distinguishes the current debate from that in the autumn. At that time you actually played well, but failed due to bad luck or the individual class of individual opponents. In the last three games, however, FC Bayern have never “found a rhythm where you can say it’s Bayern Munich-like,” Matthäus continued.

Now “Julian Nagelsmann is challenged to finally find a team that plays so naturally again, that plays fluently, that enjoys the game”. All things that Matthäus missed in the game of the Bundesliga series winner.

Personally, he is firmly convinced that Nagelsmann is not up for discussion, Matthäus calms the waves. The wind could turn quickly in the next few weeks.
