Bayern Munich | Effenberg on Kimmich-Eklat: “… then he should stop”

Ex-national players Stefan Effenberg and Mario Basler defended Joshua Kimmich from FC Bayern after his criticized jubilation gesture after the 1-0 win in Freiburg.

“That’s pillepalle,” said Effenberg as an expert in the Sport1 program “Doppelpass”: “If that is presented as unsportsmanlike, I have a problem with it. If he no longer has these emotions, then he should stop playing football .”

Basler, who, like Effenberg, played as a professional for a long time at FC Bayern, saw it in a similar way. He said as an expert on the same show: “It’s completely far-fetched. I don’t know how you can get so upset about it. I don’t think what he did is reprehensible, and I certainly don’t think it’s unsportsmanlike .”

However, Basler did not find it problematic that Freiburg showed scenes of their cup victory on the screen for minutes before the game, which Kimmich later criticized. “So please, what’s in it,” he asked: “Conversely, that can also be a motivation for Bayern. And if it bothers you, just go into the dressing room and don’t look at it.”

FC Bayern: Joshua Kimmich’s jubilation causes a stir

However, both pointed out that Kimmich is “regularly insulted”, as Basler explained. Effenberg pointed out: “Jo Kimmich shoots the corner kicks. Can you imagine what’s going on when you go out there?”

After the win, Kimmich celebrated with clenched fists and his mouth wide open in the direction of the Freiburg curve. Some SC players had criticized this. “He should be happy about the three points and not provoke the opposing fans,” said Nicolas Höfler.

Kimmich apologized after the game: “I can understand anyone who describes it as unsportsmanlike. You don’t do that.”
