Bayern Munich | Again sharp criticism of Julian Nagelsmann: “It must not happen to him”

Former national player Dietmar Hamann renewed his criticism of the Bayern coach after Julian Nagelsmann’s freak out after the Bundesliga game at Borussia Mönchengladbach (2:3).

“That must not happen to him. He must not allow himself this choice of words. You have to represent the club off the pitch and then something like that doesn’t work,” said Hamann on Sunday on the talk show “Sky 90”.

Nagelsmann not only makes himself “vulnerable, but also the club. FC Bayern has 300,000 members. Many will now say: ‘This is no longer my Bayern Munich. It can’t be that our coach behaves like that'”, explained Hamann.

The 35-year-old coach must “be in better control, otherwise you can’t be a Bayern coach,” added the ex-professional. “This is happening now in an incredibly important phase without need. You open a barrel again for something that doesn’t have to be.”

“He is the youngest coach in the history of FC Bayern”

Nagelsmann got upset in the dressing room after the game about the controversial red card against Dayot Upamecano in the eighth minute of the game. In relation to the team of referees, the expression “softened pack” was used.

“That hasn’t happened in the past. But he is also the youngest coach in the history of FC Bayern. His predecessors were seasoned coaches who had years of experience. There was less risk of something like that happening,” said Hamann.

Nagelsmann, against whom the DFB control committee is now investigating, must now “rightly” expect a ban or fine, said Hamann.

FC Bayern: criticism of Julian Nagelsmann also from Lothar Matthäus

The 49-year-old criticized Nagelsmann harshly immediately after the allegations became known on Saturday.

“If he doesn’t want his words to be weighed, then he has to be in the third division, fourth division, nobody cares what he says,” said the TV expert.

Hamann’s “Sky” colleague Lothar Matthäus also found that Nagelsmann’s choice of words was “far off the mark”. “Now just a sponge over it – that doesn’t settle the matter,” said the record national player.
