BAXI Manresa, for the perfect week in Europe

03/09/2022 at 21:10


BAXI Manresa hosts Nutribullet Treviso this Thursday (9:00 p.m.) at the Nou Congost in a match where the team from Manresa will seek to complete a perfect week in the Champions League, after beating the same rival last Monday in Italy (88-103).

The party corresponds to the first day of the ‘top-16’ of the competition which at the time had to be suspended due to the cases of coronavirus that the Italian team was dragging.

Last Monday the Manresans were superior to their rival from the start, although the result was somewhat misleading because the Italians fought until the end for victory.

Maye, decisive in Treviso

The stellar apparition of pBaxi center Luke Maye in the last quarter, with three consecutive triples, tipped the balance in favor of the Catalans.

One of the keys to the meeting will be knowing if BAXI Manresa shows physical wear and tear, they have to play 4 games in just 9 days and he does not have the squad physically one hundred percent.

BAXI Manresa still cannot count on the injured Ismael Bakowho is still recovering from a palm injury, and Elias Valtonen, who has problems with one of his shoulders.

TOBoth players traveled with the team to Treviso but were not included in the squad and it is expected that they will not do so in this Thursday’s game either.
