Battery life issues after update to iOS 15.4

iOS 15.4 has been officially available for download for a week. Due to the many new functions, we recommended installing it. But now there are increasing reports of iPhone users complaining about battery problems after the update.

Unlocking with a mask via Face ID, new emojis and a new Siri voice – these are some of the innovations that iOS 15.4 brings to the iPhone. But apparently problems have crept in, which some users are now reporting. In particular, the battery life of the iPhones should be significantly reduced after the update to iOS 15.4.

Complaints about poor battery life on iOS 15.4

There are various reports about the shorter battery life under iOS 15.4, especially on Twitter. The iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max models as well as the iPhone 11 are mentioned again and again Twitter user Oded Shopenthat he has not had any problems with the battery life of his iPhone 13 Max so far. After installing iOS 15.4, however, the battery life dropped noticeably and was only showing about 50 percent halfway through the day. Another user writesthat its battery capacity has dropped by 80 percent after 24 hours with just over two hours of screen time.

Also the podcaster Alex Kretzschmar complains that the battery life of his iPhone has halved after the update. Many users agree with him and tell about similar problems after installing iOS 15.4. But there are also dissenting voices under his Twitter post who have not noticed any change in the runtime. The same can be seen in the discussion forum of Reddit, where the comments split relatively evenly into positive and negative experiences with battery life under iOS 15.4. The reactions to the current update are therefore mixed, which does not speak for a universal battery problem.

Also read: iOS 15.4 is here! What’s new in the iPhone update

Battery issues not uncommon after iOS update

It’s not uncommon for battery life issues to occur in the first few days after an iOS update. Apple also points this out in a Twitter post.

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Thank you for reaching out! We’re here to help. It’s normal for your apps and features to adapt up to 48 hours after an update.

Apple via Twitter

If the battery life has not adjusted 48 hours after installing iOS 15.4, you should contact Apple so that further investigations can be carried out, according to the manufacturer. This is likely to be the case with some users who have spoken out. Because the update was a long time ago for them, without the runtime having improved.

It is therefore possible that Apple will soon take action and roll out a fix for the problem. We will then inform you about this at this point.
