Batjes Roeselare start with giant barrel Rodenbach

Batjes Roeselare start with giant barrel Rodenbach

The ‘Batjes Roeselare’ were traditionally opened on the Grote Markt. And that on the high day for the giants, because then they all went out. There was also a new giant that premiered. Jempi 2.0 was on public display for the first time.

Vat Rodenbach

Batjes Roeselare also means a barrel of Rodenbach. Not just any barrel, a giant barrel of no less than 3400 litres. The Grote Markt quickly filled up last night to get the jars filled, more than 2000 by the way. And that is more than 8000 regular pints.

A crowded Grote Markt, full terraces and full shopping streets with bargain hunters. Roeselare kicks off summer this weekend.
