Basketball World Cup 2023: Goosebumps moment – national coach creates an iconic image

After the greatest triumph, basketball success coach Gordon Herbert allowed himself a reverent moment of silence. TV cameras captured this special scene.

The game was just over and he just wanted some peace and quiet. Gordon Herbert, coach of the German national basketball team, simply collapsed after the first ecstasy of celebration and the sensational victory at the Basketball World Cup and enjoyed the moment of victory all to himself, drained and exhausted.

TV footage shows the 64-year-old leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and blowing. He only opens his eyes briefly once. Herbert, who is otherwise known as a rather quiet guy, is overwhelmed by his emotions. He briefly takes off his glasses and puts his hand on his face, wiping victorious tears from his eyes.

After the well-deserved break, he returned to the team and continued to celebrate with his team. The press conference was later stormed by the World Cup heroes. The DBB team cheered with the coach by spraying water.

Basketball World Cup: Picture of Gordon Herbert goes around the world

The Herbert scene was a bit reminiscent of Dirk Nowitzki’s legendary “escape” from the field in 2011, when he had just won the NBA title with the Dallas Mavericks. With the clock running out, he stormed into the cabin, overwhelmed by emotions, to enjoy the moment all alone. Shortly afterwards he returned from the locker room and accepted the NBA and MVP titles with his team.

Just like these pictures, Herbert’s scenes went around the world and were quickly celebrated on social networks as a special photo in sports history. An iconic moment of German sport, a touch of Franz Beckenbauer in 1990, who walked alone through the Roman Olympic Stadium after winning the World Cup.

Herbert is the architect and father of the success of the German national basketball team. The Canadian took over the DBB team from Henrik Rödl after the 2021 Olympics. His term in office began with a defeat, but he quickly put his stamp on the team and put the pieces of the puzzle together around the not always undisputed leader Dennis Schröder.

Herbert led the team to bronze at the European Championships last year and sparked enthusiasm for basketball again. This year the sensational coronation followed. It is the greatest success in German basketball history. So far this was the European Championship success in 1993.
