Basketball world champion goes to bed with a medal

Basketball world champion Justus Hollatz has almost always had his gold medal with him since his sensational title win at the World Cup in Manila – even in bed.

“So far I’ve only taken the medal off to shower, otherwise I take it with me everywhere – even when I sleep,” said Hollatz at a spontaneous reception at his former club Hamburg Towers.

More than 150 children and some employees of the Bundesliga club surprised the 22-year-old point guard with a small celebration.

“I would be lying if I said that the reception wasn’t more emotional than the one in Frankfurt,” said the Hamburg native. The world champions were welcomed and celebrated by more than 1,000 fans in Frankfurt am Main on Tuesday after landing.

Hollatz will relax in Hamburg for the next few days before heading to Istanbul at the weekend. The development player is under contract with the top Euroleague club Anadolu Efes Istanbul next season.
