Basketball / Serie A: Milan ok, Scafati beat

On the field of Naples, the champions struggle at the start then easily stretch between the first two quarters. The US winger returning after the pre-season knockout. Well Melli and Davies

On the neutral of Naples where Scafati has to play in exile pending the homologation of his PalaMangano still in doubt, Milan takes the victory he wanted between ups and downs in the score. The champions control the game from 5 ‘of the first quarter after a negative start that sees the freshman from Campania jump to 13-2 with Pinkins’ flights riding an initial 6-0 that forces coach Messina to an emergency time out. Then Olimpia, without Hines, Datome, Mitrou-Long and Baldasso, raises the defensive wall and puts in rhythm the usual Melli who scores 100% shooting for the break of 31-12 which is worth the Milanese +8 in the 10 ‘ . In the second quarter there is the decisive extension with the guests touching +21 inside the choir Shields is also felt, making his debut in an official match after the injury suffered in the pre-season. At the start of the recovery Scafati tries a reaction that pushes it to -9 but once again Melli in synergy with Davies puts Milan in safety, which in the last quarter is concerned only with managing the advantage which has returned to double figures.
HULLED: Lamb 16, Henry 15, Pinkins 12
MILAN: Davies 16, Melli 13, Pangos 9
