Basketball: Scudetto final with the Fip prize

At the presentation of the Scudetto final which starts tomorrow at the Forum, President Petrucci presented the new trophy which joins the Legabasket one

Presented in Bologna at the headquarters of UnipolSai, title sponsor of Serie A with renewed commitment for the next three years, the LBA Finals 2023 to the best of 7 matches that start tomorrow at the Assago Forum with match-1 of Milan-Bologna, for the third time in a row epilogue of the championship. Among the speakers, Gianni Petrucci (president of Fip), Umberto Gandini (president of Legabasket/LBA), Luca Baraldi (CEO of Virtus Bologna) and Christos Stavropoulos (giemme Olimpia Milano). Gandini underlined the renewal of the agreement with the Fip and introduced the novelty of this final, i.e. the Scudetto trophy, a prize conceived and wanted by the Fip which adds to that of the League. «We are on the eve of the first match of the LBA Finals and I am sure that Milan and Bologna will battle it out and let all the fans experience moments of great basketball. As a League we continue to innovate the product to make the vision of our championship more and more engaging: on the occasion of the LBA Finals, during live TV, it will be possible to listen to the audio of the Instant Replay reviews with the dialogue of the referees and the voices of the coaches during time outs”.

petrucci’s words

Gianni Petrucci spoke about the great Milan-Bologna match: “There is great expectation to get to know the Italian Champion team but above all to experience a match after match that excites, divides, unites and makes people talk. The season just ended confirmed the level of our top tournament. Viewers and social numbers are on the rise. What to wish for the Finals? To manage to assign the Scudetto to the last action of the extra time of match-7. After enjoying the whole series”. The managers spoke for the teams. Word to Milan: “We’ve worked all year to get here, we can’t wait to get started – said Stavropoulos -. I hope and believe they will be good finals, they will certainly be balanced. We in Milan are very happy to start these matches in front of our fans who have been close to us throughout the season.” Here is the Virtus front: “ We no longer have the excuse to say that we are not a Euroleague team – underlined Baraldi – and therefore we must have even more reasons to compare ourselves with a great team like Olimpia. We will leave with a lot of enthusiasm and we will leave the burden of starting the Scudetto operations at Olimpia. I invite everyone to participate and watch these matches either directly or via TV because there will be moments of great basketball that will be a source of pride for our country, our institutions and all of Italian sport”.
