Basketball: presented the LBA finals

Presented the Lba Finals. Gandini, president of Lega: “Lots of digital tools to experience the emotions of matches without restrictions”

48 hours after race-1, the UnipolSai 2022 LBA Finals were presented, that is the best-of-7 series that awards the championship. Once again the reigning Italian champions of Virtus Bologna and Milan challenge each other, this is the replay of the 2021 final which saw the black V dominate Olimpia 4-0 as well as the derby of Italy between the two most holders of Serie A (16 league titles Bologna and 28 Milan) and which they will represent next season in the Euroleague. For Umberto Gandini, president of the Lega, it was an opportunity to take stock of the health of the championship through partnerships and all media, social and digital platforms.


“These finals – Gandini began -, finally without capacity limitations are a further step, they are the definitive step towards normality after two difficult seasons due to the pandemic emergency. In this series for the championship we will have the unique opportunity to experience a great event sportsman with the multiplicity of tools that digital evolution makes available to us “. In this step, the Lega is supported by the Infront Advisor who will take care of entertainment and further communication opportunities for sponsors. “We have inaugurated this year a strategic marketing and communication project that has already given us excellent feedback also on the sponsors front – declared Alessandro Giacomini, Managing Director of Infront Italy – We are very satisfied because we have achieved a more than positive result of collection commercial with + 16% compared to the previous season and the entry of 10 new sponsors who found LBA an important communication vehicle “. Meanwhile, there is also the new entry as official sponsor of Banca Ifis LBA. To close, the television programming was defined with the news of Eurosport coverage also in 4K on the Sky platform.
