Basketball players Apollo Amsterdam withdraw from BNXT League

Apollo Amsterdam will not play in the BNXT League next season. The board says that it has not been possible to get the budget for next season. “We were not given sufficient assurance that a sponsor would fulfill its obligations. That is why we did not think it was responsible to apply for a license,” said Apollo chairman Martijn Rengelink.

“We don’t want to get into a situation where we don’t fulfill our obligations to the players and fans. Of course you prefer to participate, but as a board we are there for the long term. Responsible financial policy is the best thing you can doRengelink continues.

The BNXT League sets a minimum budget requirement of 350,000 euros. So Apollo does not meet that requirement. The club does express the ambition to be back in the next year BNXT League come out.

The Apollo men’s team will play in the promotion division next season. The club also announces that it would like to start a women’s team that plays at the highest level in the Netherlands.

Losing more than winning

Apollo Amsterdam had a season in which much more was lost than won. “We are proud of the team and the staff. We started the season late, because even then we had trouble getting the budget around. Our youth has been able to make a lot of minutes. Still, if you play 80 to 90 percent of your matches lose then you are not competitive”, Rengelink looks back.
