Basketball, LBA Serie A results 19th day

The match of the Italian champions is the highlight of the Sunday program of the 19th round

After the victory of Milan in Trento and of Treviso with Tortona in the advances on Saturday, the program of the 19th day ends. Without Trieste-Sassari, postponed because the Sardinians are in quarantine

Pesaro-Cremona 93-87
After three consecutive defeats, Carpegna Prosciutto returns to success and does so against direct opponent Vanoli, now 4 points behind in the standings with the double favorable confrontation (2-0). It is a team victory. Vanoli starts well but then gets lost, in the second half she finds herself chasing but breathlessly on Pesaro’s neck until the end. A fantastic Poet (at his seasonal high of points, 28) is not enough. The boys from Galbiati and the former Pesaro Perego are without Harris, injured, Vuelle does not field Camara, stopped by the doctors. Sanford is inspired and scores 6 of his first 8 points (10-4 at 4 ‘), is 11-10 at 6’. An unleashed Poeta overtakes from distance (13-15 at 7 ‘), Vanoli grows and at 9’ leads 19-28 again with Poeta (12 points in the first quarter, very heavy his entry at 5 ‘for Spanish). McNeace stretches: 19-30 at the first interval. Pesaro has problems in defense, it is 19-32 on the 11th minute. It is 30-36 thanks to the precision on the perimeter of a super Zanotti, Vuelle defends in the area but Cremona goes smoothly (30-41 at 15 ‘). Zanotti puts in 11 points in 6 ‘of the second period, Sanford places a triple, Delfino makes 3/3 from the line and finds 44-43 at 18’. Pesaro has adjusted the defense and continues to score: 48-43 in the 9 ‘, with a break of 18-2. Both field the zone and both shoot well from 6.75, at 23 ‘it is 52 all. The clubs change gears: Jones makes himself heard, Sanford and Zanotti pack the 63-56 of the 27 ‘. Vuelle runs, arms Lamb’s hand who finds 70-56 with his triples. The break is 18-2 for the locals, but the guests find a 5-0 in the final, which becomes 9-0 at the opening of the last quarter for the 70-65 in the 33rd minute. At 34 ‘he is 77-75 with the foreigners from Vuelle, Sanford steals balls and Larson converts (83-71 at 38’). Cremona does not give up (85-78), but there is no more time. At 13 ”from the end he is 89-85, Poeta is the last to raise the white flag. Vanoli tries the systematic foul, Pesaro is precise from the line and can celebrate a success that is worth double.
Pesaro: Lamb 19, Sanford 18, Zanotti 15.
Cremona: Poeta 28, Tinkle 14, Pecchia, Spanish, Dime 8.

Fortitudo Bologna-Brescia 86-93
The dream duo Della Valle-Mitrou-Long (52 points together) signs another Brescia success, the seventh in a row, which is worth the lonely third place in the standings. Coach Magro’s team moves onto the Fortitudo hot field, finding in the sprint of the fourth quarter the best choices and the energy to beat the other Bologna, strong-willed and combative but increasingly last in the standings. Schizophrenic game, with Brescia who commands and controls from the first possession also hitting a fast +12 with the Della Valle-Cobbins pick-n-roll that always end with a long dunk but Fortitudo comes back with the triples of Benzing and Feldeine that in the second half he gets injured again (he was returning) by leaving the scene. At the break it is +2 for the guests with Della Valle already at 14. a flying crush of Tote. Brescia feels the blow but reorganizes around the magical duo to move forward. Everything is decided in the last 10 ‘. Fortitudo believes in it and takes the lead back but the end is all of Mitrou-Long who with a penetrating basket and a nine-meter triple sign the +6 that Fortitudo is no longer able to recover.
Fortitudo: Frazier 17, Aradori 15, Benzing 15
Brescia: Mitrou-Long 29, Della Valle 23, Cobbins 14


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