Basketball, BBL: Frankfurt does not play and is still relegated – Bundesliga – Basketball

Gießen’s McCullum makes 19 points

In Gießen, David Krämer (14), Owen Klassen (13) and Nicholas Tischler (11) were the most successful throwers for Braunschweig, who secured their place in the league with the win. Both 46ers towered Kendale McCullum out with 19 points, but he could not prevent another defeat.

Alba wins and lurks

In a catch-up game on the twelfth day of play, the Merlins Crailsheim lost against Alba Berlin 70:78. Berlin overtook Bayern Munich and is second and with three games less they are four plus points behind the first-placed Bonners. It was Alba’s sixth win in a row.

Source: sid/dpa/red
