Basketball: Alba women make ascent perfect – rbb – regional

The women’s team from Alba Berlin has made the promotion to the 1st women’s basketball league perfect. After an 84:70 win in the first leg of the relegation against the Rhein-Main Baskets from Langen, the Berliners now clearly prevailed in the second leg with 99:71 and ensured a relaxed atmosphere and great joy among 2,200 spectators in the arena at Ostbahnhof. Best thrower at Alba was Stefanie Grigoleit with 17 points.

Strong performance in front of an exuberant audience

With a comfortable lead from the first leg behind them, the Alba women started the game confidently and with decent offensive power. The Berliners scored 26 points in the first quarter. On the defensive, however, they were unfocused and allowed the opponents from Langen to score many easy and quick baskets. Coach Cristo Cabrera’s team was able to remedy these problems in defense in the second round and confidently extended the lead to over ten points. Lucy Reuss in particular cheered the well-filled arena at Ostbahnhof with two three-point shots from well behind the line.

In the second half, the Alba women then controlled the game safely and scored at will. They continued to increase their lead and hardly allowed the Rhein-Main Baskets easy ways to the basket. When the Hessian opponents got closer again, Alba always found the right answers and went into the last part of the game with a clear 29-point lead to great applause.

Carried by the great atmosphere, the Berliners were unstoppable in the last quarter. With standing ovations, they played towards promotion and left nothing to chance. In the end, they even had the chance to break the magical one hundred point mark, but missed the decisive free throw. But that probably didn’t bother anyone anymore, because shortly afterwards the final siren sounded and the first promotion since the Alba women’s department was founded was perfect. The Berliner Basketball-Verein is the only club in Germany that has two first-division teams.

Next week the final for the championship in the 2. Bundesliga is still coming up for the Berliners. Then they have the chance to reward themselves with their first title in their successful season. The opponents in the final have not yet been determined.

Broadcast: rbb24, April 15, 2022, 9:45 p.m

Source: rbb
