Basic jobs in Assen keeper: ‘Made my job from my hobby’

She sees the permanent appointment at the municipality of Assen as a crowning achievement for the work she did during the trial period. “Really an award, and I am very happy with it. I have now been able to turn my hobby into my job, what more could a person want.”

She first started with 16 hours a week, but she can now handle 24 hours again, although that is also her maximum. “First I had to see what I could handle, and how to organize it. I can also organize the time myself, that’s the nice thing about it. Sometimes I’m even working on it during the weekend. Or picking out plants for the garden, or coming up with activities, as long as it’s something I can involve residents in.”

Grietje thinks the basic job is definitely recommended for people who have been at home for a while, and who feel a bit sidelined because it is not possible to find a suitable job. “Yes, really go for it. Get on your feet and see what your options are. Just try it, you never know.”

For herself, the basic job two years ago was also a leap of faith. “I also thought then, I’ll see what comes of it, who knows what it will be. So that turned out to be double and cross. So I have work, with which I help other people and therefore myself.”

She has to giggle about the fact that she will join the municipal service, and thus become an official civil servant. “What does that actually mean, being a civil servant, do you have to behave differently? I wouldn’t really know,” she laughs. “I am and will always be myself.”

First she goes on holiday for a while, but then a new outdoor job awaits at De Componist. Because the meeting garden of the community center is being expanded even further. “There will also be a jeu de boules court and seats still need to be added. I can make something beautiful out of that again,” she concludes radiantly.

Watch the video below, in which Grietje Kiers is already enthusiastic about her basic job a year after the test
