Baseless claims are spreading about Maria Veitola – “Don’t believe a word of it”

Veitola warns her followers again about online scams that use her name and pictures.

Maria Veitola has been subjected to systematic online harassment. PASI LEISMA

Supplier Maria Veitola said on social media a week ago that he has become the focus of an online scam. At that time, Veitola already warned his followers about this phenomenon.

Now Veitola has published about her experience in the stories section of Instagram. The publication contains a screenshot of the advertised publication with an edited picture of Veitola with the police. In addition, the following text has been attached to the advertised publication to make it look like news related to Veitola.

– Maria Veitola’s accusations have been confirmed. There are the last words, the text reads.

The purpose of the text is to present a news that puts Veitola in a bad light through the image and the text.

The publication in question is a scam that uses Veitola’s face and name. Veitola himself commented in the publication he shared that he is frustrated by the false claims, advertisements and fake news that are being spread about him, which some people mistake for real claims.

– This scam has been on the internet and social media for the third week now, he says.

– I can’t take it! Veitola gusts.

Veitola himself made it clear earlier that there are advertisements about him on the internet and especially on social media, through which scammers try to get either money or personal information from people. Previously, advertisements were spread with his pictures, through which they promised easy riches in exchange for money.

– Just don’t believe a word, he warns about baseless online claims.

According to his own words, Veitola has nothing to do with the advertisements or stories in question, which is why he wants to warn his followers that it is a web of online scams. It saddens him that his personal brand and the trust of his followers are cruelly exploited with false online scams. He hopes that no one believes the false claims made about him.

Veitola is not the only public figure who has recently been subjected to systematic online harassment. Sofi Oksanen and Pippa Laukka have also spoken about similar fake publications.

Veitola has come across a disgusting problem, because sponsored scam ads are hard to root out. PASI LEISMA
