Base jumper (33) dies tragically: jumps from flatgebouw maar parachute opent niet | Buitenland

A Britse base jumper has come tragically to life. Nathy Odinson (33) filmed in Thailand on the 29th edition of a flat building in the spring. The waaghals had real bad luck, they didn’t want to open the parachute.

The British stuntman went to the Thai city of Pattaya on the 29th edition of a flat building. This means it is illegal to have the night light in the duiken with the parachute. The tone of the base jumper does not appear to be fatal. “Drie, twee, één, tot ziens,” he sounds.

The base jumper was springing up, the parachute never opened. Apparently, Nathy Odinson (33) was just on the boom before she was born on the ground in the plate.

The tourist policy in Pattaya will be brought to the public at 7.30 p.m. and will be brought to the plazas of the drama. Nathy Odinson (33) was shot dead. Volgens Britse media reisde hij de world rond en voerde hij al op tal van plaatsen illegal basejumps uit.

The Thaise politie onderzoekt de zaak, maar op het eerste zich wants everything in a dramatic way. The parachute of the base jumper cannot be lifted.

KIJK. Schrikwekkende images: base jumper is flying to Rotswand

KIJK. BASE jumper makes immediate landing in boom

KIJK. Base jumpers jump aft of the cliff
