Bas Smit not on juice channel Yvonne Coldeweijer: ‘No proof’

Bas Smit does not have to worry about ending up on Yvonne Coldeweijer’s juice channel for the time being. She has no incriminating material about him. “A vague rumor is not enough.”


There has been a juice channel in the past that paid attention to Bas Smit, but the story about him was quickly removed at the time, presumably after a reprimand. Recently, Nicolette van Dam’s husband has only been bothered by Gossip Talk star Dennis Schouten, who continuously shouts that Bas is secretly in the closet.

No proof

Juice great Yvonne Coldeweijer says that there is no incriminating material on the shelf about Bas. “I have so many questions in my DM about Bas Smit…”, she says in her private juice channel. “I tell you honestly: if I have a concrete story about someone, a substantiated thing, proof…”

She continues: “It doesn’t always have to be evidence, but it should at least be an anecdote. If I don’t have that, I can’t post: ‘Bas Smit is cheating’, without knowing anything.”

Vague rumor

Yvonne does not see enough reason to focus the spotlight on Bas at the moment. “A lot of people ask about it or hear about it, but I just never have a story. Yes, I’m sorry, in my opinion… I don’t think it’s enough to make that as a statement. I think just a vague rumor is not enough.”

Yvonne does have juice about Nicolette, Bas’s wife. The actress is said to have had an affair with none other than Memphis Depay ‘a few years ago’.

spy chat

Yvonne’s new spy army video, in which, in addition to Nicolette, she also talks about Gillis punching bag Nicol Kremers and Volkskrant columnist Sander Schimmelpenninck, is only available to subscribers.

You can join Yvonne’s private juice channel via hats off.


Bas and Nicolette are currently already on their eighteenth foreign trip of the year:
