‘Bas Smit deliberately cut off André Hazes Jr. for publicity’

André Hazes Jr. has never experienced anything so strange in his entire career as last Saturday night: he was cut off in the middle of his performance. Did organizer Bas Smit do this on purpose?

© SBS 6

We are now used to a lot from Bas Smit and Nicolette van Dam, but the end of their Amsterdam Summer concert last Saturday really hit everything. While André Hazes jr. was in the middle of his performance, his sound was simply turned away. Without a closing, word of thanks or anything, the audience had to leave the Olympic Stadium.

Publicity stunt

In the media, Bas pretends that the enforcement of the municipality of Amsterdam intervened because the end time – 11 p.m. – was exceeded, but by then it had already been exceeded by about eight minutes. To suddenly interrupt André during his song… According to Patty Brard, the municipality also denies that they have intervened.

What’s behind this then? Joey Scheufler, TikTok expert and member of the Advertising Code Committee, thinks that this is simply a publicity stunt orchestrated by Bas. “This was clearly agreed for publicity, so that everyone is talking about the Amsterdam Summer again,” he tweets.

A little too coincidental

Joey thinks it’s all a bit too coincidental, he indicates. “The municipality of Amsterdam knows nothing and Bas and Nicolette play surprise while Shownieuws is filming them, at the exact moment that Andre stops singing.”

Was this really done for publicity? The fact is that at the time this media row broke loose, tickets were still available for the second and last concert on Sunday. One Amstertje also doesn’t seem to rule it out on Twitter: “Walking Tel Sell dolls 🤡.”

‘Not in the Netherlands!’

In any case, the well-known twitfluencer Mies is starting to get quite tired of Bas and Nicolette. “I wish these people a happy life (or Nicolette a smooth divorce). But no longer in the Netherlands,” she writes.

And TV tweeter Lianne: “I wish them less social media.”

Good news channel

If Bas has staged it all, it is strange that he expresses his irritation about the ‘acidic media’. In response, he even wants to start a good news channel.

The first reactions are skeptical. For example, Nathalie tweets: “Isn’t that what you have Insta for, with all those hearts and chest beating?”
