Bas Smit and Nicolette van Dam under fire for collaborating with Lil ‘Kleine

Bas Smit and Nicolette van Dam received a blow from RTL Boulevard yesterday because they continue to work together with Lil ‘Kleine, despite the abuse of his girlfriend Jaimie Vaes.

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It surprises a lot of people: the fact that Lil ‘Kleine continuously seems to get away with all those violent incidents. He only seems to have become more popular after the abuse of his girlfriend Jaimie Vaes, last summer in Ibiza. Shortly afterwards, for example, he was warmly welcomed by Bas Smit and Nicolette van Dam at De Amsterdamse Zomer.

Criticism of Bas and Nicolette

The Amsterdam Summer is a concert series organized by Bas and Nicolette. Lil ‘Kleine gave a full evening performance there last September. Bas and Nicolette also benefit from the success of the rapper. It was mentioned yesterday by the voice-over of RTL Boulevard.

The show section: “Even though there are several violent incidents associated with Lil ‘Kleine, his celebrities friends don’t care much about it. He will perform at De Amsterdamse Zomer and he will also record a duet with Tino Martin.”

around the neck

Bas and Nicolette happily hung around Lil ‘Kleine’s neck at De Amsterdamse Zomer, which took place after Jaimie’s Ibiza abuse, as if nothing had happened. The photos were immediately posted on social media (see above).

Boulevard presenter Bridget Maasland: “I can also imagine that certainly a Tino Martin or other guests who have recorded something with him or have had something to do with him on a business basis (read: Bas and Nicolette, ed.), that they are now I do think: but I shouldn’t burn my hands on this at all.”

shut up

Lil ‘Kleine is currently in jail for assaulting his girlfriend again last weekend. Bas and Nicolette are not among the celebrities who have publicly spoken out against those misconduct. In fact: they are still cozy Insta friends with the rapper.

How is it that these types of people have not already given up after that Ibiza abuse? Media expert Rob Goossens: “All kinds of people have an interest in covering it up with the mantle of love. In the end everyone is like: as long as there are no images of it, we can at least pretend it didn’t happen.”

Bas is also criticized about this on social media. “Bas Smit always has an opinion about everything, but now that his boyfriend Lul Kleine is in jail for assault, Mr. is quiet. Bah, bah. Then open your mouth!” say Bastienne for example.


Beau van Erven Dorens thinks it is sick if celebrities continue to show themselves with Lil ‘Kleine. “I think it’s crazy that that record is number 1. Then you think: apparently that doesn’t work for his audience. How are we ever going to appreciate this guy’s music when he’s doing stuff like this?”

“It’s just a patient. If you do that, isn’t it the most horrible thing you can think of?”


Below is a video of Bas and Lil ‘Kleine on Instagram. The fact that he just leaves that alone also leads to criticism.

For example, someone under Bas’ post says: “Hi Bas! Can’t resist… With Bilal you throw everything off and with Lil ‘Kleine you leave his post. What he has done is not pure either. Abusing a woman is also not okay, double standards is not okay.”


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