Bartolelli Maini Properties | News

Marina and Lucas, how were the beginnings of Real Estate?

It all started in 1997, when we were students at the Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Design of the UNR. Since then, we started working together and in 2001, we founded BM & Asociados SRL We got married and started to build our company and family around it. I (Marina) was in charge of private and multinational projects and Lucas was in charge of construction management, while we dedicated ourselves to the administration of the properties that our clients entrusted to us.

Over time, our company has evolved. When the real estate broker career emerged, Lucas gave up and thus obtained the license, so we put projects and the execution of works aside to fully dedicate ourselves to real estate brokerage, although our passion for architecture and good design continues to be the same.

What services do you provide to the public?

We work with an interdisciplinary team of professionals (surveyors, lawyers, notaries, accountants, architects and builders) dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions to our clients in everything related to the sale and transfer of real estate, from the appraisal and analysis of a property, with the respective verification and/or regularization of plans and titles, legal advice regarding the ownership of real estate, agency before public bodies for processing of residents abroad, even the suggestion of personalized options to obtain the best possible performance in commercialization of a property with the least investment.

We show our experience in every step we take when renting and/or selling the properties that our clients entrust to us, providing professional, reliable and personalized advice.

How do you project your brand in the medium term?

We project our brand, as a reference real estate company in the region that provides comprehensive solutions, with knowledge in the industry and continuous growth in social networks.

What sets them apart in real estate?

Our strength is nourished by the valuable testimonials that our clients endorse. We differentiate ourselves by providing highly qualified customer service, establishing a bond of mutual trust through professional, sincere and transparent advice. In addition, we stand out for our efficiency and speed in solving problems.

If you started over, what would you do differently?

We would probably focus more on the sale of real estate than on rental management, since the path we follow during the sale process, with all its obstacles, rewards us by seeing the happy faces of each family as their dreams come true. That is something that fills our souls and exhilarates us, and makes all the effort rewarding.

Contact information:

Email: [email protected]


Instagram: @bmproperties

WhatsApp: +54 9 341 5055558


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