Bart Veldkamp questions starts at 500 meters: ‘Not close to a false start’ | Olympics

Because Gao started early in the program, we had to wait for the many toppers. Two of the top pairs, including the last stage, were given false. Unjustly, in the opinion of Veldkamp, ​​who played for both the Netherlands and Belgium at the Games in the past.

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“These two starts at the Olympic 500 meters are very suspicious in my opinion,” he writes Twitter† “In either case, it’s not even close to a false start.” The 1992 Olympic gold winner backs up his claim with the delayed display of both starts.

It remains to be seen whether (any of) the four would have come close to Gao’s top time without a false start, but it is noteworthy that not for the first time this week, a decision favors a home athlete.

At the Beijing Olympics, the short track tournament has often been questioned about the referee decisions in favor of China. The Koreans have already openly complained about the state of affairs.

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