Bart De Wever (N-VA) about MR chairman Bouchez: “He says a lot, but also imagines everything” | Interior

Bouchez let slip last month after the 2024 elections that he wanted to set up a new Swedish coalition with N-VA, rather than a continuation of the current Vivaldi coalition of liberals, socialists, greens and CD&V – unless N-VA has a would like to spearhead the community. Bouchez calls himself a Belgianist.

According to Bouchez, a resumption of ‘Swedish’ would be much more efficient than a new collaboration with seven parties as in Vivaldi. “It is enough to look at the number of reforms that were achieved under the Swedish coalition and are no longer implemented today,” Bouchez defended.

De Wever stated last weekend in 2024 after the federal elections that he wanted to quickly set up a federal mini-cabinet, explicitly looking in the direction of the PS. “You only occupy the vice posts and agree on a number of minimal objectives, mainly budgetary ones. In the meantime, you are renovating the country in depth, with a confederal turnaround,” he said in Het Nieuwsblad and the Gazet van Antwerpen.
