Barcelona will once again fill its streets with roses with 3,400 stalls for Sant Jordi

The day of Sant Jordi returns to Barcelona in all its splendor after two years marked by the pandemic. From this Friday can already be seen in the streets of Barcelona some stops of professional florists and the Saturday will be around 3,400 stalls that will be seen in the city. The florists of Barcelona celebrate the return of Sant Jordi since it is one of the days of the year with the highest turnover for the sector. This April 23 it is estimated that it will be possible to reach the 6 millions of roses sold. “For Sant Jordi, a third of the roses sold in Catalonia during the year are sold, and of these, a third come from Mercabarna. forecasts for this year are very goodwe are not going to reach 7 million roses sold in 2019, but the forecast of 6 million that we have is very good after two years without being able to celebrate the day normally”, he explained this morning Montserrat Ballarin, president of Mercabarna. The minimum price of the rose is increased by 5% and will go from 3.5 to 4 euros.

The variety of roses that are sold in the florists and in the streets in Sant Jordi is very extensive, the tendencies regarding the flower are changing with the years, but the red rose is always the star. Variety Freedomwhich is the classic rose of intense color Y solid stem of Colombian originreturns to head of sales this yeargrabbing the 85% of red rose sales. Variety follows. Naomi Networka red rose many petals and with the flower more open than the Freedom variety, which comes from Holland. The sale of colored varieties account for 20% of the roses marketed for Sant Jordi, being the yellow and white best sellers. Miquel Batllepresident of the business association of florists of mercabarna, has emphasized the success of the red rose on these dates. “The red rose is the star these days and although new varieties are coming out, the Freedom and Red Naomi are the best sellers because they are the thickest and have the most durability.. The roses dyed increasingly sell lesson the other hand, those of other natural colors, such as white or yellow, are the clear alternative to red,” he commented. As for the decorare becoming more and more popular ornamental arrangements with organic and natural materials with green leaves and stems. Florists are betting more and more on this type of arrangement, which also combines with the different shapes, sizes and colors of the flowers. “With the return of the stalls on the streets, we have already been able to notice a notable increase in sales these days. In terms of trends, we are noticing a slight increase in blue roses compared to other years, despite the fact that the varieties of classic colors are still the most sold and the ornaments are becoming more elaborate, with a lot of green and highlighting the flower”, commented Mario, a worker at Nit Cel Flowers.

The price of roses this year has increased by 5% compared to previous years. The transportation problems and dollar inflation, for that 85% that arrive from Colombia, they have been the two factors that have favored this increase, which the majority of wholesalers will assume in order to maintain the momentum of sales on these dates. Prices this year will start, for the most part, from four euros and from there add the value added by rose decorations. Even so, sales forecasts are very good and it is expected fill the streets with flowers again this Saturday. “This year’s Sant Jordi is once again like the ones before, happy, with books and above all with many roses. It is expected that the sale of roses in Catalonia can increase by up to 43%”, said Jaume Collboni, first lieutenant Mayor of the Barcelona City Council.
